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Introduction Facukty Members Curriculun Structure Academic & production Performance Application Information
Teaching Facility
Career Opportunities
* Background History
In 2003, the Graduate Institute of Drama/Theater was primarily founded to meet the needs of teacher training in Performing Arts, introduced then as a new subject in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum in Taiwan. Through the efforts of our faculty members and graduate students, the program soon became well-known throughout the nation and was highly regarded by the committee of the National Assessment for Higher Education in Taiwan in 2006, which was also the year when our undergraduate program started under the name of Department of Drama Creation and Application. For the first three years the goals of the department included: to provide teacher training opportunities; to introduce new theories in drama education; to implement curriculum; and to engage in research in Drama Education for Taiwanese schools. As our undergraduate program evolved rapidly, the development of studies in Applied Drama/Theater was also included as one of our goals to pursue. We hope to expand the scope of drama application as well, from schools to the services for children, young people and families in our community and society. Through theatrical collaboration, we intend to cultivate the integration of multi-disciplinary approaches and multi-media into the innovation of students artistic works. Our interactive drama program seeks to develop youngsters awareness about local, cross-cultural and globalization issues.
practice map
Graduation Productions
International Conferences
Research in Drama Education & Theatre Studies
DDCA Facebook
Southern Taiwan Theatre Technology Exchange
South Theatre Gathering
Mobile version
Year Productions
Drama Camps
A+芸蝑蝝⊿蝷蝬脤瑼X葫 Locations嚗Rongyu Campus, National University of Tainan | No. 67, Rong-Yu St., Tainan 701, Taiwan
TEL嚗+886-6-260-1855 | FAX嚗+886-6-260-1856
Mailing Address嚗No. 33, Sec. 2, Su-Lin St., Tainan 700, Taiwan
E-mail(1): Lu, Chi-Hua  drama-1@pubmail.nutn.edu.tw
WebSite Modified嚗2025/3/31