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*Graduation Production ''Can't Pay? Wont Pay?''
嚗Location嚗Tainan Municipal Cultural Center
  • Advisor嚗Lin, Wen-ling
  • performance group嚗senior 2010

  • The senior undergrads of the Department of Drama Creation and Application of NUTN performed their graduation show “We Won’t Pay” under the supervision of Assistant Professor, Lin Wen Ling. The dramatic play was released at the Tainan Arts Center from April 11 to 13. There were four performances in total. This play is based on a classical play written by Italian Nobel Prize winner and play script writer, Dario Fo. The drama describes that a housewife snuck items home from the supermarket in a flurry due to uprising price of commodities. Maie Lan, the main figure, faced police officer’s continuous investigation and the suspicion from her law-abiding partner. To be innocent, she made up lies to try to escape her dilemma. This resulted in a plenty of misunderstandings and accidents and caused a conflict between the police and the house wife.

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A+芸蝑蝝⊿蝷蝬脤瑼X葫 Locations嚗Rongyu Campus, National University of Tainan | No. 67, Rong-Yu St. Tainan, 701 Taiwan
TEL嚗+886-6-260-1855 | FAX嚗+886-6-260-1856
Mailing Address嚗33,sec, 2, Su-Lin St. Tainan, Taiwan 700
E-mail(1): Lu,Chi-Hua  drama-1@pubmail.nutn.edu.tw
WebSite Modified嚗2025/3/7